Dec 30, 2005

Taking Chances

I've always lived my life confined by that yellow line. Always living within the bounds of reason and appropriateness. This road was never the popular one. But neither was it empty. There are others like me. Putting faith in what is most ideal and suitable in the eyes of plenty.

Age has seemingly corrupted my better judgment of reason and right. There have been moments when I have found myself barely hanging on to a cliff, almost ready to take the plunge. Almost...but never quite entirely. I have had my fair share of daredevil stunts and rollercoaster rides that include apple martinis on the side. Yet i make sure that the next moment I wake up I have every bit of my dignity in tact. Regret is an emotion I do not welcome. It is fear that I must learn to overcome.

I FEAR.... of living a half-filled life. Of letting a day go by, without sitting it in the sun...of dreaming of ice cream and candy, when I only have my salad fork in hand...of enjoying a book when i'm really working overtime...of deep conversations instead of just shaking a hand...of missing the plane, just to buy more time...of saying hello, when it's really goodbye...of taking a risk, instead of letting it---fly. Or of moving on, when I should have just stayed behind.

Chances are, I make the decision that requires the smallest of leaps. How far is the jump, you ask? I dunno. I never really moved an inch...

Dec 12, 2005

Crossing Over Doubts

They say Santa's paying a visit to those who've been I ask myself, have I been NICE? Let alone THIS year? If there was truly a list somewhere, would I be in it??? I suddenly came across this thought as I saw throngs of Santa walking downtown without their reindeers in tow one night. Wow, could it be that even Mr. Claus had a bad year like me??? Alright, so maybe it wasn't that bad, but was it...good? Have I done anything this year that could win me a little bit of praise? If I died today, would there be any action I could list down as great service? Would I... be getting through the pearly white gates?

A little voice inside me insists I TRIED. But my heart keeps asking...WAS IT HARD ENOUGH? Everytime I stay awake before going to bed I ask myself if I had made someone happy or have I made someone miserable? If I have done neither, then it still leans over to the latter. For what purpose is there if you cannot make anyone happy or sad? It only means your presence has not made the slightest bit of difference.

And so this is how it christmas countdown. A never-ending internal battle of thoughts. Have I been GOOD? have I been BAD? Have I made myself proud this year? Have I made Santa proud this year? If there was a life-o-meter, how would I score? I wish finding out is as easy as playing a board game. Roll the dice and you climb the ladder, role the dice and you slide down the chute. And when time's up, all you have to do is figure out where you are...

Either close to the finish line...or back to the start of it all.

Oct 22, 2005

Gas Gauge must always be FULL

I almost flipped backwards when I heard the bouncer say, "forty!". Forty freakin dollars!!! That's how much it was to get IN the bar my friend recommended me to try when I asked him what's a great place to hang out nowadays. Not that I was dying to party, but my sister just arrived in town from the UK and all my cousins were with us to celebrate our small family reunion. But forty bucks? Who the F--k was in there? Kate Moss?!!! I tried to regain my composure as I slowly turned my back to him and announced to everyone we were moving. A group of young girls who were prob'ly in their early twenties eyed me with raised brows. They were unmistakably dismissing me as a "cheapo" when I refused to pay another NY city bar way more money than they deserve. Brats... I returned their gaze with as much pride and prejudice as I held my own place....while trying to hide my own amusement as I allowed them to take their fill and eye me up and down. This is MY game. I have perfected this attitude since birth. I can fire back to the bitchiest of attitude without saying a word.

But I am getting too old for this sh--! I don't do velvet ropes anymore! Last time I lined up to get in a bar was when I was in Frisco with another cousin who wanted to go to some bday. Even that didn't go well bec I immediately left the line to go to the closest PUB. I don't have TIME to party. And if not for good friends who are celebrating bdays or for family members who are in town to visit, you'd never see me partying till dawn anymore. If I do, it'll be in Paris where I am in the same establishment as Madonna or Gwyneth Paltrow! As if!

But as my thoughts go back to those girls who were dressed to Saturday night's perfection, I remember my old self when I was their age and going through that "living the moment" phase. God was I that shallow?! I lived looking forward to weekend night sessions of drinking and socializing with the right pair of Manolo's. What a disgrace...

It's not that I have something bad against going out at night or having a good time. It's just that I have quietly allowed myslef to move on to the next station of my life that allows me to thoroughly enjoy life without the assistance of alcohol or pretentious chit chat. I am not impressed with wealth or stature, of appearance or reputation, of job status or educational background. I would much rather be with the company of the simple and the humble. Those who conduct themselves in utmost composed and quiet elegance. People who are bizarrely honest and downright open. People who are exceptional by just being off-handedly funny and brutally kind. People who are....hmmmm...say, TRUE. While I roll my eyes at people, women especially, who are weirdly pretending to be nice but deep down secretly wants you to stumble in your perfect black dress, I relish at the thought that there are some who will cheer you on in your pajamas and morning hair while you strut your stuff empty handed. In this day and age, the glitz and the glam has slowly become a bore. A chore even for me... since understandably, there will always be days when you have to dress to kill in order to be heard. But really, how long can you keep someone's attention if you really have nothing between your ears?

Now, I know I'm not making any more sense...but it really frustrates me. It frustrates me when some people come running to me and complain about how messed up their lives are and they think they can do absolutely nothing to change it. Wake up! We cannot insist on changing the world when we are running on EMPTY. The only way we can start seeing improvement is when we begin to REFILL our lives with purpose and substance.

As I was teaching religion class to a bunch of halflings in school, one of my pupils raised his hand to ask what was the greatest act that Jesus ever made among all other acts. Ofcourse I replied with---the death of Jesus on the cross. And to this seven year old I questioned back, "What would be yours if given the chance?"...his reply filled my heart with so much warmth only a mentor could ever understand.

"His cross...I'd carry His cross."
This is what I live for...a sense of purpose in a world that conducts itself nonchalant about the happenings of everyday life. It feels good to know that somehow even the smallest act of service can make a difference in someone's life. I felt an enormous amount of respect when I found out my cousin who recently ran for a marathon raised $7,000. That's seven homes for seven families. Now I have interviewed a lot of self-proclaimed runners for this fundraiser marathon. While a lot of them have given me the same response about helping the poor and uplifting spirits, I was not totally impressed. For most of them barely raised the minimun amount of money. I think we have forgotten that in making a stand, it is not all about the finish line. Sure they finished 26 miles, trained every weekend, busted their limbs and bones...but in the final analysis, how much money was given to the poor? Was it really about the HOME or was it all about the RACE? Who were they running for??? Without $1,000 there is NO HOME. If you did not do your best begging for donation, then you have totally missed the point. YOU ARE RUNNING FOR EVERY DOLLAR that every person gifted you with and you are bringing that pot of gold to the finish line. The heavier, the better....for what use is it to reach the end if you bring empty tidings? It is like saying to God that you are finally here. You've reached the end. But when He asks where are the others, you say they're left behind. You left them behind.

Why? Was the cross too burdensome to carry?

Yes cuss me and mock me and judge me and hate me... throw me stones for not seeing the better side of the coin. For lashing, instead of pardoning. For telling, instead of listening. For bursting your balloon, instead of letting it fly....

But really, how far will you soar when your gas tank offering is only half-full???

Oct 18, 2005

My Current Fave....

You're Beautiful by James Blunt

You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.....

****heard this song on the radio about a month and a half ago...leeanne, arlene, and regina thought I was making it up when I was singing it to them in the car. Apparently, my dear sisters, it was big in the UK. So, no...i am not making it up! =)

Sep 8, 2005

and as the curtain closes...

Yes final blog. It brings me of great sadness to come to a close and take my bows as a writer for my non-fictional life. Yes my dear friends, my blogging days are over. My wandering has finally come to an end...I have picked up every broken piece, found every missing puzzle, and healed every torn skin. I have been revitalized in spirit, though once so badly burned. I am ready to exit this rumble and head off to the door of righteousness. No more heavy heart. My guilt has been lifted.

Don't get me wrong, my flight to salvation land is far from over. I have just found my seat. But my seatbelt has been securely fastened, and my Savior did it for me. For years I have been going round and round the terminals trying to find the right gate. Once I may have found it, but they didn't let me on board. My baggage was too heavy...My flight left without me.

But I am ready to fly now. Without any baggage...
LIVE as if it was your LAST!
As soon as my plane touched down I rushed to the Garden to watch my favorite band play in concert. Not even the lack of 32 hours of sleep, famine, or extreme tiredness could stop me from hearing my COLDPLAY live on stage. I was exhausted, but I was alive. That was all that matters...If there is one thing my weekend has taught me its to live without holding anything love without any move on without any regrets. I have only one life to live. And it SHALL be LIVED.
Cherish your single life. Take your time. DO not settle. Do not rush. I got re-acquainted over Florida fever with someone I briefly met last year at a NJ conference. I remember finding him intensely appealing, but I was with someone else at that time. And to that someone else, I placed my loyalty. Faithfulness is one of my greatest character. I cherish friendship and relationships like how a mother is to a child. And bec of that loyalty, i missed out on other friendships. But bec of my waiting, I mended missed opportunities. Better chances are given to those who wait. Don't ever get tired of it.
I have never been a chain smoker. But I once smoked a whole lot, perhaps more than I should. I have never done drugs. I support chastity. But I DO have my own demons.... Smoking was my bad habbit and drunkenness was my worst vice. I would drink till I lost all graciousness, and smoke for the heck of it. But I am sober. And I am proud. My friends, it is doable...achievable...and utterly wonderful as long as you remain successful. It can happen. It will happen. Stand your ground.
There are things that are never meant to happen and you must decide for yourself to move on. The quicker, the better. I have always believed no man is worth your tears. If he was, then he wouldn't make you cry. I was waiting for that stab of hurt when i saw someone I used to go out with with someone else. But it never came. It was more of the feeling of awkwardness bec I knew our friendship will never be the same. My friend did ask me if I were honest from the beginning, would I think he would have been with me? All I can say is, this baggage has finally been sealed and drifted off to sea. If something was meant to happen, it should have happened. If not, it was never in the world meant to be.
I had the most amazing labor day weekend of my life. Despite the craziness of it all-- the stressful job, the messed up lifestyle... you form friendships, build your confidence, and find your once lost self. The best thing was bumping into people that would never have made you turn around, but did. "Strangers are friends you just have to get to know..."

And as I said, this is it, my final piece (or maybe not). I have brought you with me to this roller coaster of a ride and have often witnessed me puking my shitty complaints on line. But as it happens, it only takes a matter of evaluation. A stepping back of some sort...a "finding yourself" phase that may take a short while for some or a lifetime for others...It really depends you see. Some people may chose to stay in the muddy pit and refuse to get help, while some may decide they have absolutely have had ENOUGH.

Retribution comes so sweet when the body is no longer too ill of its misery and the heart is willing to be free.

Aug 3, 2005

SF Madness: Napa in the morning, City at Night!


Jul 28, 2005

It's like the blind leading the blind...that's how my good friend Leeanne puts it. I go rushing to her like a wounded child is to her mom. Sobbing and weeping and hopelessly crying for attention. Stubbornly expecting to be eased. Helplessly wanting to be cured. The problem is-- she's no mom, but a wounded child as well. I keep on forgetting that the whole universe is possessed with disgruntled individuals who are in desperate need of control. Anything out of our hands is excruciatingly awful. Not knowing the outcome? Being left in the dark? Taking the road less traveled? It's like being the queen of the chessboard...and having all the right moves, but once your king is left unattended---checkmate. All that power...When will wisdom reign a heart that endures no reason but pain? When will the hoping end and the truth begin? How many times must the wording be rephrased in order to see through that which does not need to be said? Even queens must cave in sometimes...For the heart of the matter is not about when to give up, but admitting to your shame.

Jul 2, 2005

Wimbledon Mania!!!

I have always loved the game. But like some loves, we lose interest. For some reason or another, over the years, I refused to get back in the game. I neither played it or watched it. It disappointed me...Like some fans, we lose our drive. Our idols have slowly withered and left which leaves us with so little enthusiasm. There's no one to root for. No one to watch out for. No one to be inspired with.

I was six when my dad introduced me to this game called tennis. It was the only hobby I was interested to learn more of while I hid during piano or ballet lessons. I remember staying up late nights to watch championship games with him, and feeling like a sure winner if any of my favorite players won. I would weep like a newborn seeing Michael Chang lose or Capriati never make it to semi-finals. I would laugh hysterically remembering how back in the day Agassi could jump over the net and blow a kiss to his opponent leaving everyone in the court dumbfounded. It was the good days...the better days of tennis. Then slowly, my favorites started retiring as new comers start to dominate the matches. I remembered going out for drinks with my friend after the legendary Pete Sampras decided to take his bows. I was crushed. It is very rare to find elegant and goodlooking idols on court. Now, what reason is left for me to watch? =) Anyway, as the William sisters ended up playing championships year after year, i totally lost concern. I knew they were going to win every single time. It felt like the ones who are destined to beat them weren't even born yet. So I decided to stop watching. Not until..Andy Roddick. Ok, ok..he is gorgeous. But you have to agree he has such an amazing serve! For some time, it felt addicting watching him display all that power at such a young age. It was like, whoa...can anyone serve that fast?! But like most athletes, conceit turns a lot of fans off. There was too much arrogance...I was saddened.

Fast forward to Wimbledon '05... Now that I have a lot of time watching television news and sports, I decided to follow up on my tennis roots. I was shocked. Finally, a truly beautiful tennis player on court who can actually PLAY some amazing tennis. That Sharapova is a sure embarassment to Kornikova. And Davenport! I am sure glad she's back in the game...I hope she pushes off retirement. She could come off like a boring tennis player, but I like her. And my Andy Rodick...sigh. Well, you all know who I'm rooting for for the Championship.

So, for you tennis fans who have slipped away, there is much reason to stay. The game is back. The drive is back. Let the games bagin!

See you all at the US OPEN.

Jul 1, 2005

Happy 4th of July!

Enjoy the long weekend, guys! Happy beach time...grab a good book! Will update as soon as I get back! Be safe.

Jun 19, 2005

Don't ever under estimate the power of kind words. It's priceless. You may be able to milk flattery, but you cannot depend on its sincerity. In some cases, the words spoken are not exactly kind. But they're just what you need to hear. On other days, some people just say things out of the ordinary. Yet even the ordinary circumstance becomes extra special when it catches you off guard and hits you right through the eye.

The thing that makes people interesting to me is the beef of what they have to say. Often times people can rant on and on about issues and politics, finance or job responsibilities, poverty or Iraq, God or relationships, but it doesn't really stain on you. I have met so many well-conversed and extremely informed people about whatever area of expertise they are in, but they all have the same quality. They are too self-involved...They love hearing themselves speak. They love being heard. But...does it move you??? Is it genuine? When a person speaks passionately about something, there is not a drop of vanity in their tone of conversation. Infact, it is the absence of self that makes it more interesting to listen to. Somewhere along the way you may be fortunate enough to encounter people who speak in such manner. Sometimes, they could even be more than just selfless and interesting. They could be downright hilarious and boisterously cheerful. Unfortunately, they dont come in flocks. Sigh...

I am lucky enough to have met such handful of people in my lifetime. They have moved me one way or the other. They have inspired me to total transformation perhaps not even knowing they have. Someone once said to me to "give until it hurts...until it hurts no more" another time someone said.."if you choose not to love others, then you choose not to love God".

I know it's just words. But see, WORDS when said at the right moment, at the right context...with the very best intentions, can move you.

Are your friends stuck in the same spot? Move them.

Jun 8, 2005

Queen of Disgrace

I AM afterall, the biggest KLUTZ in the world! No, I don't need anyone to remind me. I can tell you, everything embarassing you can ever think of--- has, and if not, will happen to ME. I'm not usually distorted. It's just that, when I am caught off-handed, I really make the worst scene. Believe me!!! Perhaps because my mind is just discombobulated with personal issues, the heat, work, or just plain boredom, I really can get myself into a whole new dimension of obliviousness. That or its just the New Yorker attitude of I don't give a damn or get out of my way!

Today, I elevated my dorkiness to the highest power when I attended the first day of summer class. My prof was in the process of introducing himself to the rest of us and I was able to write his name down. Someone next to me suddenly leaned over and asked, "What's the name?"...I looked up and saw one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen up close and responded to him with MY name. Shit! Ofcourse he tried making me feel better by saying it was nice to meet me but he explained he really was interested to know what our teacher's name was...Could I have been more shamed???! I have been in this situation so many times you'd think i would be used to it. But no...every shameful moment just gets more shameful every single time! A week ago, I remembered leaving my car unlocked in the garage as I was getting ready for bed. So I put on my most comfortable orange robe, spongebob fuzzy sleepers, dorkiest eyeglasses and went straight to my car just to lock it. In the elevator on the way back to my pad, two people shouted to hold the elevator. I didn't! i wouldn't be caught dead wearing what I was wearing! Unfortunately, they caught it just in time to share my supposedly personal ride back upstairs! Unbearable! Two cute guys living in my same building and of all the days to get stuck with them, God chose tonight! To make it worse, our ride stopped on one floor and refused to move. So they had to get out and switch elevators while I was soooo content to stay inside the non-working one till they left. It didn't happen. They waited and asked if I was coming and i was forced to share another unbearable ride with them....How unspeakable! My friends, my dear friends who are supposed to make me feel better when I shared them my stories chose to laugh their socks off instead of making me feel better. I know I said i don't care much about appearance. But there is a big difference between not caring about how you look to LOSING your DIGNITY! And I have successfully done just that!!!

Breaking stuff, slipping, having your phone ring in inappropriate places, getting hollered at by teenagers, banging into a post, calling the wrong person, sending text messages precisely to people who are not supposed to get them...etc...I've done it all! If there was a wanted list of dorks in the universe I will be in it. Fine! But before you place your bets as to who's going to fall in the man hole next, all I have to say is this...thank God for people like me! hahaha Man, i may be messed up at times but i sure don't make the world a boring place. Imagine if everyone else was so proper? Imagine if no one ever said the wrong word or do the weirdest of things? Imagine if everone did just what their expected to do without trying to experience new things? If that's how the world is, then I'm sure glad to be different. I may be a klutz, but I do have some good moments. Infact, it's my klutziness that gets me noticed.

Don't be afraid to err. It's what makes us human.

Jun 1, 2005

May the Right Force be with you...Always.

The dark side of the force is strong with me. A little too strong. Every year I go through this rebellion stage where nothing else matters...Not even ME. I let go of everything that is substantial in my life and not worry about the consequence of my actions. It is But just before you totally surrender to the dark side, one pivotal moment comes...and you realize that you're not ready to go Darth Vader after all.

My moment came just when I was throwing my insides out on the streets causing friends to prob'ly squirm as they witness my very undignified act of carelessness. I was wasted. It was humiliating... When I was done, I was trying my very best not to burst into tears. I may have lost control, but I certainly wasn't ready to lose my grace. Fine, fine...I prob'ly already did. But the thing is, I couldn't really give a damn anymore. As Howie Day's song goes, "even the best fall down sometimes...even the stars refuse to shine..." You see, if I had to give major importance to appearance and stature, then my quest for a meaningful life is hopeless. Everything physical is so trivial. Everything apparent is so...superficial. People can dress perfectly...wear the right clothes, the right make-up, have the best body, but that is so not...lasting. What is essential after all is what is invisible to the eye.

Ok..I am not justifying my errors. God knows there is no way I can get this one right. But I yearn to make it right somehow. I just have to use the force ;) or find the one that will bring balance to the force. Funny, a friend of mine who I saw a few days ago had this apologetic expression on his face and was trying his best to want to explain about prob'ly not calling in months. I tried to supress a grin. I was debating whether I should give him a hard time or let it go pretty easy. He obviously didn't know me well at all. This is my turf. Failed relationships is what i am good at. I don't need closure. I move on quickly. Although I applaud the man who will never leave without facing up to whatever consequence, I don't expect it. Not from most men. There are after all, only, a few good men.

I'm unpacking the last few boxes in the new apartment now. I'm also slowly regaining my composure. My roommate says "welcome back!". Damn, it feels good to be back. No cigarette wine expensive shopping. It's just me and my God. I struck out. But Im back on base. Ready to hit my homerun.

Really...i swear i can hear Yoda speaking to my ear somehow.

May the Good Force be with you. Always.

May 24, 2005

God is a Comedian

Some people find it peculiar…my conversations with God. I converse with Him the same way I converse with any man, out loud. No I don’t murmur my thanks or talk to Him in my thoughts. I speak. I speak with Him as if He was around. Well, He is.

Everyday I voice out all my concerns, ummm errrrr, complaints. Everyday He listens to me whine and gripe about my very mundane life. It never ends. My God and I. We’re a team…

Sometimes He gets me into trouble. Perhaps a reminder that He still has the upper hand and I have to be more submissive to His plan. Like that day. I will never forget. There was this lady that used to work as a receptionist/secretary at my workplace. She hated me. The feeling was very much mutual. She was never kind to me. Always had the worst to say every morning. Always made sure she was the bringer of bad news. If she could make me feel like a total retard, she would. And oftentimes, she succeeded. She’s brought me to tears, think about quitting my job, and live in total misery. In short, she made my work life hell…One day, unlike most days, I was extremely late for work. I’m usually just late, but this time I was exceptionally late. As I was rushing down the corner to park my car, I hit this shiny silver accord with a bang. I died. It was the wicked witch’s car. I knew it was over. I could either run away and save myself from the shot, or I could come out clean and suffer eternally. I lost. I told her the truth…. But lo and behold, instead of reporting me to the police and be taken away in handcuffs, she gave me this strange look and did not say a word. She got up to check her car and the most amazing thing happened. Hers didn’t have even just a tiny bit of scratch. And mine, mine was as good as new. Maybe it was my lucky day or maybe she was just in a good mood, but she gave me a hug and said it was OK. From that day on, she was my best friend. She’s quit her job but up to now, I get cards from her during special occasions. Whew!
How about that one time back in college when I stayed up all night partying knowing I had a long reading to do? Unforgettable. I decided I was just going to come in late for class the next day thinking our orals would have been done by then and I would just be in time for lecture. So I went in 45 minutes later calculating for sure I already missed orals. I was wrong. In the middle of her lecture, she stopped. She called the last girl that just came in to stand right infront of class and summarize the entire reading. That girl was me… Unsurprisingly, I flunked my orals. But fortunately, I passed the class.
You’d think I’d get the drift. But every now and then I lose focus and I am given a much deserved spanking. Often times we come to think that we are in total control and nothing else matters but ourselves. We live our lives doing good only to those who are good to us….loving only those who love us…forgiving only those who seek us. How come? Can’t we go the extra mile? Can’t we reach out the other hand? When both our hands are full, why not lend our feet instead???.......In every risky situation, I try to find humor in it knowing fully that I will never be abandoned. At times when even I question the outcome, doubt the results, or disagree with the verdict, I let nature take its course knowing it is not my call of judgment, but my duty to follow.

Very recently, I’ve finally bowed down to my failed attempts of reconciliation with a friend. I’ve come to the point where I no longer hope for anything but friendship. I realized no matter how much I insist on something, I cannot just will it for myself. It must also be willed by the other. If not, then all efforts are left in vain. So I called upon my Redeemer to redeem me once again. I explained that I totally understand about wrong timing, wrong person, even wrong expectations. I am finally ready to let it go…So I told Him. I WAS READY. I was ready for the real thing...for the real ONE. No more wasting my time or making up excuses. No more fear of commitment or fear of rejection. No more.

But there around the corner, out of nowhere, I come face to face with my fear. And I was totally not ready.

Very funny…but thanks for reminding me.

May 15, 2005

Happy Thoughts, anyone?

I need to hear some happy stories from people to get me through this week. Share your thoughts...inspire the weakest of hearts. Comments, anyone?

May 3, 2005

I do believe. Now that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are officially dating according to TIME, I have once again restored my faith in fairy tales. This means, my chances of marrying Brad Pitt may not be so far-fetched after all. Whew! What a relief! =) Anyway, it’s nice to be side-tracked once in a while by stories such as this. It gives room for some amusement in your busy schedule. Really, unlike most people, I am happy to hear this news flash. I am the kind of person who finds happiness when others are truly happy. Well, alright… I don’t know how much truth there is in Hollywood, but the idea of two people finding love is so…romantic. It gives you…hope. Ok. So that’s prob’ly all there is to it, hope. But isn’t HOPE such a great thing? I know how other people love saying- don’t keep your hopes up-, but why? Why shouldn’t we? Why not hope for the best? Wait for the best? Endure for the best?.....Don’t I deserve the best? Don’t YOU?

Apr 25, 2005

Reasons to Smile

Ok, ok, so I have been a little bit of “MIA” these past few weeks. But I do read your messages! And yes, I appreciate your feedback. It’s just that I have been swarmed with work due to finals. ( I had to finish editing a news piece I started more than a month ago and I wanted it to be brilliant!) As hoped, my story was how I wanted it to be and my professor thought it was absolutely FAB! =) When I heard this I was elated! Like a kid hitting a homerun on his first try at bat. I couldn’t ask for more…

I am also in the process of moving. Finally! Yes, so it’s my fifth move in four years! I’m glad it’s happening at this time though which is why I am looking forward to moving into my new place. I find it to be therapeutic especially at times when I am officially on LOA from my life and responsibilities. A move signals a change. It means packing up your stuff, sorting out what’s indispensable and what’s expendable, and moving forward. It means leaving behind all the shattered and broken pieces of your life. It means, letting go. No more days of waiting—for that doorbell that will never ring, for that car that will never pull over, for that package that will never arrive. It means a new home, new life, new memories. Not that I can’t stay put and mend my bridges. It’s just that there’s another world to conquer. Only this time, I come prepared.

I wish there was a book handed down from generation to generation that would explain the rules of adulthood. I wish there was a guideline of some sort as to how you are expected to behave and respond. Or at least a warning, that there will be a load of responsibilities ahead and you should take your time being a kid and enjoy life without worrying about rent or credit card payments or the right career choice. I wish there was a secret box of revelation that would warn you of what lies ahead and you can easily duck the heavy hits, miss the fall, or escape the unforgettable big blows. It’s frustrating! To be back on the same track and still not know what to do.

At the same time, how could anyone write a book about the rules of intimacy? And explain when to cross the line, or when to stay put? When to give in or when to give up? When to say more or when to say less? When to take the chance or when to let go? That darn book can’t tell you what you’re going through! Even your friends don’t know what you’re going through. How would they know what’s best for you? They can’t. You just have to find it out on your own.

But do not worry. It will offend God…It’s just like what I say to my kids when they come running to me with a cut or a bruise or a broken spirit, “You’ll live!”
Reasons to smile:
1. for a sunny day after a downpour of rain
-sit on a bench by a park...have your own designated with someone next to you...indulge in scoopfulls of ice cream or yogurt...relax.

2. for a good show
-i've finally come across a tv show I would actually rush home to watch, Grey's Anatomy! It's a must see!

3. for a friend who'll say just what you need to hear
-i asked a friend of mine as we were trying on some new swimsuits for the summer if I should be concerned about my body getting bigger. She feigns carelessness and says, "u're perfect!"..hahaha thanks, ys!

4. for a mechanic who does more for your car than what is paid for
-his name was Manny. He fixed my car...cleaned it..and wrote down everything I needed to do..he called a friend to fix my rear and gave me a good deal. I could have kissed him! Angels...always in disguise.

5. for an unexpected phone call from someone you miss
-it takes a great deal of courage to let go of one's pride and just dial the phone..but for someone who just wants to know how've u've been, how's school, how'd you do in your report, and all the little things happening in ur life, it's humbling. I personally make a mental record of what is gng on with friends..If you can't ask them, just pray for them.

6. for a song you've been waiting for on the radio
-yes! I love it every time it happens! My current faves, You and Me by Lifehouse and He will Carry Me, christian music by mark shultz

7. for a warm hug
-my kids give me this every day and I sometimes take it for granted...warm hugs from children are an absolute blessing...they're fr the heart

8. for a free meal
-don't you just love it when a friend comes over with a bag of pad thai even after you promised them you will never complain about your life again but it never happens?!

9. for a good deal
-when you realized your 5 dollar purchase is worth 15 at the end of the block!

10. for a friend who's back in town

Apr 19, 2005

My Top Ten Picks

Top Ten Places You Must Visit in the US!

The place you'd love coming home to everytime you leave.

No. 2 San Francisco
The place that makes you fall in love more and more everytime you visit.

No. 3 Seattle
The place that will take your breath away.

No. 4 Colorado
The place to seek refuge. A mecca for people who love to ski. A dreamland for people who love the earth.

No. 5 Hawaii
Paradise from sunset to sunrise.

No. 6 Wyoming
The place you will never forget.

No. 7 Las Vegas
the perfect place to cross that line and start letting go. Live a little! Go get a tatoo! =)

No. 8 Chicago
The fall-back place when the plane to NY is full. You should always have a fall-back!

No. 9 Florida
Hollywood next to the beach!

No. 10 LA
Because all your friends are there! Sometimes, all it takes is a familliar face to be reason enough to fly!