Jun 19, 2005

Don't ever under estimate the power of kind words. It's priceless. You may be able to milk flattery, but you cannot depend on its sincerity. In some cases, the words spoken are not exactly kind. But they're just what you need to hear. On other days, some people just say things out of the ordinary. Yet even the ordinary circumstance becomes extra special when it catches you off guard and hits you right through the eye.

The thing that makes people interesting to me is the beef of what they have to say. Often times people can rant on and on about issues and politics, finance or job responsibilities, poverty or Iraq, God or relationships, but it doesn't really stain on you. I have met so many well-conversed and extremely informed people about whatever area of expertise they are in, but they all have the same quality. They are too self-involved...They love hearing themselves speak. They love being heard. But...does it move you??? Is it genuine? When a person speaks passionately about something, there is not a drop of vanity in their tone of conversation. Infact, it is the absence of self that makes it more interesting to listen to. Somewhere along the way you may be fortunate enough to encounter people who speak in such manner. Sometimes, they could even be more than just selfless and interesting. They could be downright hilarious and boisterously cheerful. Unfortunately, they dont come in flocks. Sigh...

I am lucky enough to have met such handful of people in my lifetime. They have moved me one way or the other. They have inspired me to total transformation perhaps not even knowing they have. Someone once said to me to "give until it hurts...until it hurts no more"...at another time someone said.."if you choose not to love others, then you choose not to love God".

I know it's just words. But see, WORDS when said at the right moment, at the right context...with the very best intentions, can move you.

Are your friends stuck in the same spot? Move them.

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