May 6, 2006

Ahhhh Manila....Manila....Manila

I have been asked countless of times since my return if I am finally packing my bags and moving back to the land that raised me after half a decade of hiatus. Yes, half a decade. I was 21 when I moved out of my motherland to seek not so much greener or better pastures...but I was out and about to seek the world. Boy, did I SEE the world! And to the generation after me, I urge you to do the same. Do not be so caught up in your own inner circle. There is so much to much to much to love. And I have to say, 'twas only when I was out of my comfort zone that I realized...I don't always need comfort to survive.

But being back in the most comfortable place in the planet, (and I say "comfortable" not just bec of our compassionate helpers, drivers, manangs, and manongs) I realized how much of it I have missed and how much of it I truly adored. Manila is no New York City. But to some of us who will always be in the shadows of the star-spangled dream, it will always be...HOME.

Bora with my loved ones

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree HAAAAAAYYYY eleanor