Apr 25, 2005

Reasons to Smile

Ok, ok, so I have been a little bit of “MIA” these past few weeks. But I do read your messages! And yes, I appreciate your feedback. It’s just that I have been swarmed with work due to finals. ( I had to finish editing a news piece I started more than a month ago and I wanted it to be brilliant!) As hoped, my story was how I wanted it to be and my professor thought it was absolutely FAB! =) When I heard this I was elated! Like a kid hitting a homerun on his first try at bat. I couldn’t ask for more…

I am also in the process of moving. Finally! Yes, so it’s my fifth move in four years! I’m glad it’s happening at this time though which is why I am looking forward to moving into my new place. I find it to be therapeutic especially at times when I am officially on LOA from my life and responsibilities. A move signals a change. It means packing up your stuff, sorting out what’s indispensable and what’s expendable, and moving forward. It means leaving behind all the shattered and broken pieces of your life. It means, letting go. No more days of waiting—for that doorbell that will never ring, for that car that will never pull over, for that package that will never arrive. It means a new home, new life, new memories. Not that I can’t stay put and mend my bridges. It’s just that there’s another world to conquer. Only this time, I come prepared.

I wish there was a book handed down from generation to generation that would explain the rules of adulthood. I wish there was a guideline of some sort as to how you are expected to behave and respond. Or at least a warning, that there will be a load of responsibilities ahead and you should take your time being a kid and enjoy life without worrying about rent or credit card payments or the right career choice. I wish there was a secret box of revelation that would warn you of what lies ahead and you can easily duck the heavy hits, miss the fall, or escape the unforgettable big blows. It’s frustrating! To be back on the same track and still not know what to do.

At the same time, how could anyone write a book about the rules of intimacy? And explain when to cross the line, or when to stay put? When to give in or when to give up? When to say more or when to say less? When to take the chance or when to let go? That darn book can’t tell you what you’re going through! Even your friends don’t know what you’re going through. How would they know what’s best for you? They can’t. You just have to find it out on your own.

But do not worry. It will offend God…It’s just like what I say to my kids when they come running to me with a cut or a bruise or a broken spirit, “You’ll live!”
Reasons to smile:
1. for a sunny day after a downpour of rain
-sit on a bench by a park...have your own designated place...read..converse with someone next to you...indulge in scoopfulls of ice cream or yogurt...relax.

2. for a good show
-i've finally come across a tv show I would actually rush home to watch, Grey's Anatomy! It's a must see!

3. for a friend who'll say just what you need to hear
-i asked a friend of mine as we were trying on some new swimsuits for the summer if I should be concerned about my body getting bigger. She feigns carelessness and says, "u're perfect!"..hahaha thanks, ys!

4. for a mechanic who does more for your car than what is paid for
-his name was Manny. He fixed my car...cleaned it..and wrote down everything I needed to do..he called a friend to fix my rear and gave me a good deal. I could have kissed him! Angels...always in disguise.

5. for an unexpected phone call from someone you miss
-it takes a great deal of courage to let go of one's pride and just dial the phone..but for someone who just wants to know how've u've been, how's school, how'd you do in your report, and all the little things happening in ur life, it's humbling. I personally make a mental record of what is gng on with friends..If you can't ask them, just pray for them.

6. for a song you've been waiting for on the radio
-yes! I love it every time it happens! My current faves, You and Me by Lifehouse and He will Carry Me, christian music by mark shultz

7. for a warm hug
-my kids give me this every day and I sometimes take it for granted...warm hugs from children are an absolute blessing...they're fr the heart

8. for a free meal
-don't you just love it when a friend comes over with a bag of pad thai even after you promised them you will never complain about your life again but it never happens?!

9. for a good deal
-when you realized your 5 dollar purchase is worth 15 at the end of the block!

10. for a friend who's back in town

1 comment:

Leck said...

you're an amazing writter.