May 24, 2005

God is a Comedian

Some people find it peculiar…my conversations with God. I converse with Him the same way I converse with any man, out loud. No I don’t murmur my thanks or talk to Him in my thoughts. I speak. I speak with Him as if He was around. Well, He is.

Everyday I voice out all my concerns, ummm errrrr, complaints. Everyday He listens to me whine and gripe about my very mundane life. It never ends. My God and I. We’re a team…

Sometimes He gets me into trouble. Perhaps a reminder that He still has the upper hand and I have to be more submissive to His plan. Like that day. I will never forget. There was this lady that used to work as a receptionist/secretary at my workplace. She hated me. The feeling was very much mutual. She was never kind to me. Always had the worst to say every morning. Always made sure she was the bringer of bad news. If she could make me feel like a total retard, she would. And oftentimes, she succeeded. She’s brought me to tears, think about quitting my job, and live in total misery. In short, she made my work life hell…One day, unlike most days, I was extremely late for work. I’m usually just late, but this time I was exceptionally late. As I was rushing down the corner to park my car, I hit this shiny silver accord with a bang. I died. It was the wicked witch’s car. I knew it was over. I could either run away and save myself from the shot, or I could come out clean and suffer eternally. I lost. I told her the truth…. But lo and behold, instead of reporting me to the police and be taken away in handcuffs, she gave me this strange look and did not say a word. She got up to check her car and the most amazing thing happened. Hers didn’t have even just a tiny bit of scratch. And mine, mine was as good as new. Maybe it was my lucky day or maybe she was just in a good mood, but she gave me a hug and said it was OK. From that day on, she was my best friend. She’s quit her job but up to now, I get cards from her during special occasions. Whew!
How about that one time back in college when I stayed up all night partying knowing I had a long reading to do? Unforgettable. I decided I was just going to come in late for class the next day thinking our orals would have been done by then and I would just be in time for lecture. So I went in 45 minutes later calculating for sure I already missed orals. I was wrong. In the middle of her lecture, she stopped. She called the last girl that just came in to stand right infront of class and summarize the entire reading. That girl was me… Unsurprisingly, I flunked my orals. But fortunately, I passed the class.
You’d think I’d get the drift. But every now and then I lose focus and I am given a much deserved spanking. Often times we come to think that we are in total control and nothing else matters but ourselves. We live our lives doing good only to those who are good to us….loving only those who love us…forgiving only those who seek us. How come? Can’t we go the extra mile? Can’t we reach out the other hand? When both our hands are full, why not lend our feet instead???.......In every risky situation, I try to find humor in it knowing fully that I will never be abandoned. At times when even I question the outcome, doubt the results, or disagree with the verdict, I let nature take its course knowing it is not my call of judgment, but my duty to follow.

Very recently, I’ve finally bowed down to my failed attempts of reconciliation with a friend. I’ve come to the point where I no longer hope for anything but friendship. I realized no matter how much I insist on something, I cannot just will it for myself. It must also be willed by the other. If not, then all efforts are left in vain. So I called upon my Redeemer to redeem me once again. I explained that I totally understand about wrong timing, wrong person, even wrong expectations. I am finally ready to let it go…So I told Him. I WAS READY. I was ready for the real thing...for the real ONE. No more wasting my time or making up excuses. No more fear of commitment or fear of rejection. No more.

But there around the corner, out of nowhere, I come face to face with my fear. And I was totally not ready.

Very funny…but thanks for reminding me.

May 15, 2005

Happy Thoughts, anyone?

I need to hear some happy stories from people to get me through this week. Share your thoughts...inspire the weakest of hearts. Comments, anyone?

May 3, 2005

I do believe. Now that Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are officially dating according to TIME, I have once again restored my faith in fairy tales. This means, my chances of marrying Brad Pitt may not be so far-fetched after all. Whew! What a relief! =) Anyway, it’s nice to be side-tracked once in a while by stories such as this. It gives room for some amusement in your busy schedule. Really, unlike most people, I am happy to hear this news flash. I am the kind of person who finds happiness when others are truly happy. Well, alright… I don’t know how much truth there is in Hollywood, but the idea of two people finding love is so…romantic. It gives you…hope. Ok. So that’s prob’ly all there is to it, hope. But isn’t HOPE such a great thing? I know how other people love saying- don’t keep your hopes up-, but why? Why shouldn’t we? Why not hope for the best? Wait for the best? Endure for the best?.....Don’t I deserve the best? Don’t YOU?