Oct 12, 2006

Ask me...

How do you divorce yourself from the state of independence? How do you create need from contentment? While others long for that completion to their halfness, you've managed to find perfect order just by being yourself. And it's not that you feel you've elevated yourself to this level of wisdom, and you think you need to find someone who can match your knowledge of the world. It's about who will manage to throw you off that balance because, hey, you know you've pretty much hammered yourself good in a spot.

When unexpected rain comes your way after years of good weather, you begin to realize there is a need for rain. So you get yourself soaked and enjoy a little bit of the thunder. Until the moment comes when you know it's time to pat yourself dry or else the chill will sip through your skin and into your spine. Getting rained upon can be good. But never allow yourself to be left dead in the cold.

When God hands you a plateful of pancakes, we never stop with the strawberries on top. There is more to everything than just the toppings. We just have to dig in to find out. It is experiencing the wholeness of the pancake that will allow us to speak of its sweetness. We cannot give an input to a matter with just a nibble and a slice.

I don't know if it's a leo thing, a matter of upbringing, or just your personal conviction to almost everything. But I know that I will never stop the yearning... It is the yearning that charges me full to my battery. I cannot deprive myself from the wonders of the world and do the very same thing over and over and over again. Wake me up to a new day everyday. I want to see more of the world from different angles.

It is the thing that you want your children and grandchildren to see when the time comes and it's their turn to set foot outdoors. It is the hope that they will find the right friends to set camp with, to warm themselves with, to share stories with while backpacking to nowhere. It is the thought that they will never settle for a raft by the river because they couldn't wait for the boat nearby. It is knowing that they will always pick the sailor who can make them smile...

Until then, we must value our moments as if it were our last. We cannnot simply be incommensurate while we await for the very last leaf to fall. Do something. Be something. Let us not give our elders much consternation for doing worthless nothings repeatedly. Let us rise above such malarkey.

For in doing so, our mind is finally limpid from doubt or fear, questions or trepidations over the what if's and what not's or what could never be. And we realize that no amount of vitriol can stagger the greatest source of strength on this earth.


You just have to believe.

Oct 2, 2006

with JeanPaul Gualtier in
New York City

Oct 1, 2006

I think I am ready to explode.

It can't really be "mind over matter" always, can it? My mind is just an entire universe of complicated proportions. I am thinking nonstop of endless impossible probabilities. Should I? Do I? Must I? Can I??? And the challenge is not to answer the question, but to bury it somewhere in your brain until it is totally forgotten. Why not? People ALWAYS forget anyway...in time.

Even things that are written in history are lost in our memory. Important events have totally been removed from our lives. Remember the shooting in Irvine? Remember that girl Natalie Hallowey? Remember EDSA? The real one??? So...why not forget about MY memory? Why not forget my own shortcomings? Why can't I let go?

So I made a mistake. Big deal. I pretty much had a strong case of lapse in judgement. But don't we all on certain days? Don't we say something we want to take back? Do something we musn't do? Act on something we musn't feel??? A few hours ago I was watching this segment on CNN about a couple measuring every calorie they eat at the dinner table. It was down to the last green leaf, last bean, last tomato. All these for a much longer life they say. A life past 100 years old. But they were measuring every raspbery, every tofu to its core..from the size of the healthiest carrot to the length of an avocado.

What difference does it make if I took a bite of nachos today just because I feel like it? Don't we all deserve a cup full of our favorite ice cream once in a while? I mean, I may live up to 101. But is it worth it with just onions and string beans in your stomach?

In other words, yeah. You tell me to sift. To break it down and remove the non-essentials from the essentials. To scrape the icing on the cake, the sauce from the beef, the juice from the freshest coconut fruit.

Just to live.

But what is a work of art without the sweat, the writer without the pot, the player without the woman in his heart?

The answer is WORTH that beat-up truck rusting in the garage our dad bought in 1985.